360 horas
9 meses de aula
Inscrições Abertas
Inícios das Aulas: Agosto de 2024
Valor Integral: R$ 13.590,00
Por: 18 x de R$ 755,00 no cartão (recorrência) ou 12x no Boleto de R$ 1.132,50
*Consulte condições com nossos consultores
About The Course
The last 15 to 20 years the energy exploration activity has undergone significant changes. Energy law, understood as the study of legal relations involving the allocation of rights and obligations relating to the exploitation of energy resources in its various forms, emerges from this process as an autonomous discipline, related to other various areas of law. Deepening the analysis of the discipline thus becomes a necessity for professionals in the field.
A Pós-graduação MBA de Regulação, Energia e Transição Climática tem como finalidade aprofundar o estudo dos diversos aspectos relacionados a emergente área do Direito de Energia, incluindo a relação da disciplina com o Direito administrativo, ambiental, tributário, internacional e direitos humanos, dentre outras.
The goal is to develop competencies to understand the activity from a legal perspective in a comprehensive manner and in a global context.
As aulas ocorrem por transmissão ao vivo, possibilitando aos nossos alunos interagir em tempo real com a turma e com os docentes do Curso.
Postgraduate Modules
Arbitration: Fundamentals
Environmental Law and Energy
Arbitration: Energy Sector and Specific Cases
Competition Law and Energy
Mining Law and Energy
Competition Law and Energy
Tax Law and Energy: Concepts and Principles of the National Court System
Lecture tax suggestion
Tax Law and Energy: charges and applicable taxes
Tax Law and Energy: judicial discussions
Compliance and Energy Activities
Corporate Law and Energy: main forms and structures that apply to the sector
Corporate Law and Energy: critical aspects
Regulation of gas activities
Regulation of oil activities
Project finance; contracts; insurance
Nuclear energy: main aspects
Nuclear energy: regulation
Distributed Generation
Energy transition and future distribution
Bioenergy; decarbonisation
Energy transition and new technologiesl
Energy Law in a global context: inaugural lecture of the course
Energy Integration and Perspectives of the Energy Sector: decarbonisation
International Law and Energy
Regulation and the Energy Sector: Theory; Control and Limits
Regulation and Economic Analysis of Law: introduction; concepts; applications
Energy and climate change
Energy and Sustainable Development
Renewable: Regulatory Aspects
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policy
Renewables: Trends; Challenges and Energy Efficiency
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policy
Brazilian Electric Sector: Challenges; Concepts; History; Models; Desverticalization
Institutional Model: Competencies and Regulatory Coordination
Electricity: Overview of the Judicial Process
Electricity: Administrative Process and Relevant Aspects
Electricity: Judicial Process - Jurisprudence, relevant aspects and case study
Electricity Supply
Challenges of modernising the Head Office and Planning
Electricity Supply
Energy generation: main aspects
Energy Generation and Auction Systematics
Dispatches with wind and solar energy in the matrix: challenges; peculiarities, and other related issues)
Power transmission: main aspects
Modernization of the legal framework of the electricity sector - Constitutional Perspective
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