
360 horas
9 meses de aula


Inscrições Abertas
Início das Aulas: Agosto de 2024


Valor Integral: R$ 6.700,00
Por: 18x de R$ 372,22 no cartão
*Consulte condições com nossos consultores

About The Course

Os Contratos fazem parte do dia a dia de todas as pessoas e empresas, mas é no âmbito da prática jurídica que eles assumem um protagonismo relevante. Verifica-se atualmente um crescente movimento de contratualização das relações jurídicas, aspecto que se sente nas mais diversas áreas do Direito. O profissional jurídico que quer se destacar e se manter atualizado necessita de conhecimentos contratuais sólidos. Desta forma, a Pós-Graduação em Direito Contratual da ESA-OAB/MG e do CEDIN oferece capacitação de excelência, a qual será desenvolvida por meio de metodologia inovadora e por professores que são referência no campo do Direito Contratual. Aliando aportes práticos e teóricos, o curso busca proporcionar o aprimoramento e afinamento técnicos dos profissionais, bem como uma formação continuada baseada em experiências multidisciplinares e multisetoriais.

O programa foi desenvolvido para que o profissional jurídico possa atuar de forma sólida no campo contratual, tanto no âmbito consultivo como no contencioso. A grade curricular é verdadeiramente inovadora pois está dividida em tópicos setoriais, como contratos imobiliários, agrários e de tecnologia. A metodologia também se destaca, pois alia encontros teóricos com workshops e oficinas de análise jurisprudenciais e de prática contratual. Além disso, o corpo docente é composto por profissionais que são referência na área.


As aulas ocorrem por transmissão ao vivo, possibilitando aos nossos alunos interagir em tempo real com a turma e com os docentes do Curso.

Postgraduate Modules

Princípios Clássicos e Contemporâneos do Direito Contratual – I

Princípio Clássicos e Contemporâneos do Direito Contratual – II

A Boa-fé Objetiva e o Direito Contratual

Observatório de Jurisprudência: princípios contratuais

O direito contratual e a evolução do conceito de Contrato

Categorias do Direito Contratual I

Categorias do Direito Contratual II

Oficina Contratual: delimitando as categorias

Noção geral de direito e contratos imobiliários

Contratos imobiliários tradicionais I: compromisso de compra e venda e locação

Contratos imobiliários tradicionais II: compromisso de compra e venda e locação

Observatório de Jurisprudência: precedentes do STJ sobre os contratos imobiliários

Estruturação de negócios imobiliários

Inovações na disciplina dos contratos imobiliários I

Inovações na disciplina dos contratos imobiliários II

Oficina Contratual: estruturação de contratos imobiliários

Noção geral de direito agrário e contratos agrários

Contratos agrários típicos I

Contratos agrários típicos II

Observatório de Jurisprudência: a visão do STJ sobre os contratos típicos

Contratos agrários atípicos I: Contratos do Agronegócio

Contratos agrários atípicos II: Contratos do Agronegócio

Financiamento e Garantias no Agronegócio

Oficina Contratual: contratos do agronegócio

A disciplina dos contratos de consumo

Conceitos básicos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor em matéria contratual

Os vícios e defeitos nos contratos de consumo

Observatório de Jurisprudência: vícios e defeitos do produto na visão do STJ

Práticas e cláusulas abusivas nos contratos de consumo

Proteção contratual do consumidor

Repensando o regime dos contratos de consumo eletrônicos

Oficina Contratual: contratos de consumo

A formação do contrato no código civil

A noção de formação progressiva do contrato

Responsabilidade pré-contratual

Observatório de jurisprudência: formação dos contratos

A extinção dos contratos no código civil – I

A extinção dos contratos no código civil – II

Extinção e revisão por onerosidade excessiva

Oficina Contratual: cláusulas de extinção contratual

O impacto das novas tecnologias no direito contratual I

O impacto das novas tecnologias no direito contratual II

Direito Contratual e Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

Observatório de jurisprudência: proteção de dados

Contratos de propriedade intelectual I

Contratos de propriedade intelectual II

Contratos de propriedade intelectual III

Oficina Contratual: cláusulas de privacidade e proteção de propriedade intelectual

Possibilidades e limites dos contratos no direito de família

Contratos existenciais no direito de família

Contratos convivenciais e pactos antenupciais

Observatório de jurisprudência: tratamento jurisprudencial dos contratos existenciais

Noção geral de planejamento sucessório

Instrumentos contratuais e societários de planejamento sucessório I

Instrumentos contratuais e societários de planejamento sucessório II

Oficina Contratual: cláusulas sucessórias e convivenciais

Teoria geral dos contratos empresariais I: conceito e disciplina

Teoria geral dos contratos empresariais II: regras de interpretação

Contratos empresariais típicos e socialmente típicos

Observatório de jurisprudência: os contratos empresariais na visão dos tribunais

Contratos de M&A I

Contratos de M&A II

Contratos de M&A III

Oficina Contratual: cláusulas socialmente típicas nos contratos empresariais

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    What Our Students Say.

    "The MBA in Contract Law exceeded my expectations, with a highly qualified faculty, interactive classes, and an excellent selection of current and relevant topics. It was undoubtedly a period of great learning".

    _Domirí Lara,

    Lawyer, MBA Contracts student
    "The Postgraduate Program in Contract Law has a practical focus, while still stressing the importance of theory for the formation of an excellent legal professional . The professors are highly qualified, who are truly concerned with the knowledge transmitted and applied, unlike so many experiences experienced in Postgraduate courses around town that are only concerned with verbalizing information without concern for the absorption of the content and the practical applicability of what had been transmitted."

    _Luiza Mendonça,

    Lawyer, MBA Contracts student
    "Asopposed to other courses I've taken, where only theory is presented, CEDIN, in addition to an up-to-date teaching grid focused on what the legal professional really seeks when taking an MBA, develops the students' learning through instigating debates with current case studies and allows, through the hybrid structure (in-person and online), greater networking.

    _Danielle Miranda,

    Lawyer, MBA Contracts student
    "The MBA in Contract Law has been a major turning point in my career as a lawyer. The content taught in the classes, as well as the extremely dynamic and innovative activities proposed have helped me see the law from new perspectives.

    _Antídio Souza,

    Lawyer, former student of CEDIN's MBA Contracts
    "CEDIN's Post-Graduation in CRM was an incredible sapience for me, in every way, both personal and professional, pointing out that the students and classmates are sensational and have a vast experience, because, they work in large companies and hold prominent positions in them, which provides learning exchanges and experiences at a high level of approaches, discussions and fantastic ideas"

    _Rafaelle Dolabela,

    Risk analyst at CODEMG, student of CEDIN's Compliance MBA
    "Cedin's Postgraduate Program in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance has exceeded my expectations. With highly qualified professors with extensive experience in the market, combined with a current and relevant didactic program, the MBA in CRM has provided me with the preparation I wanted in this new beginning.

    _Helena Vilela,

    Corporate Risk Analyst at CODEMG, former student of the MBA Compliance
    "I am grateful to Cedin for the opportunity to study in an institution with such qualified professionals and I am sure that the baggage that the MBA brought me will add to my future more value and knowledge."

    _Fernanda Souza,

    Analyst of agreements and accountability of the works secretariat of PBH, former student of the MBA of Compliance
    "I always wanted to have a differentiated career and that is exactly what made me choose CEDIN. The course is innovative, with subjects that you can't find in other courses.


    CEDIN Graduate Student
    "I have been working as a legal psychologist for a long time and decided to do Law at CEDIN. The course is allowing an innovation in my life.

    _Grasiele Vieira,

    CEDIN Graduate Student
    grasiele (1)
    "CEDIN is making it possible for me to fulfill my dream of studying law in a differentiated institution.


    CEDIN Graduate Student
    "The professors are of a high level and very available to the students. The structure of the college is excellent! The classrooms are new, air-conditioned, modern and with lots of technology.


    CEDIN Graduate Student
    "CEDIN's professors and pedagogical team are very available, which is extremely positive in the formation of us students. CEDIN knows how to bring innovation to the day to day of law education.

    _Ana Clara Alburqueque,

    CEDIN Graduate Student
    ana clara
    "I am sure that all the differentials concerning CEDIN make it possible to train professionals who will be prepared for the new needs of law, being more successful."

    _Anna Lívia,

    CEDIN Graduate Student
    ana livia
    "Thepostgraduate course in International Law at CEDIN has a very rich content and a super organized coordination. The course allowed me not only to learn about topics and areas of international law, but also provided me with enough information to set clear career goals. In addition, the Center for International Law provides a space to add valuable experience to the development of the curriculum. Through CEDIN I was able to do my first internship in the field and expand my network. It was definitely the best decision for my future.

    _Mariana Pires,

    Lawyer, International Law post-graduate student
    "Taking the postgraduate course in International Law at CEDIN was indeed a very wise decision. In addition to the multidisciplinary content showing the various facets within international law and deepening them, I had the opportunity to attend classes and interact directly with renowned professors, exchange knowledge with colleagues and greatly expand my network of contacts. In addition, CEDIN also offers the International Law Center, a place where, through lectures, courses, and study groups, it sows the seeds of International Law. There, I had the opportunity to intern for the first time in the area of International Law and learn how to deal with professionals in the field."

    _Clara Viegas,

    Postgraduate student of International Law
    "CEDIN was an amazing experience in my life. It opened doors for me through deep and practical knowledge at the same time." 

    _Jéssica Evelino,

    Post-graduated in International Law at CEDIN
    "Taking Cedin's postgraduate course in International Law was an excellent opportunity. The course is complete, providing a broad approach to the various branches of International Law and the professors are extremely qualified. In addition, there is also the possibility of networking with other professionals in the area. Today, I see a world of possibilities within my profession and I feel even more prepared to practice it.

    _Anusha Correia,

    Former Post-Graduate student of International Law
    "My name is Letícia, I am a former student of CEDIN's Postgraduate Program in International Law and I can say that this postgraduate program exceeded all my expectations. Besides the vast multidisciplinary content that the institution addresses, I can say that the composition of regular and guest professors is spectacular! In addition to all the knowledge I acquired during all this time, it was possible to do several networkings, which make all the difference in our professional lives! I have only compliments to make and I am eternally grateful! 💙"  


    Former Post-Graduate student of International Law
    "Studying at CEDIN made all the difference for me! I was able to interact with the best professionals in the market, and expand my networking."

    _Leonardo Fogaça,

    Director of Transparency of BH's City Hall, former student of the MBA Compliance
    "Opting for the MBA at Cedin was the best choice I could have made and besides being a source of great learning, it opened numerous doors for me."

    _Bárbara de Cássia Silva,

    Compliance Manager at Itaminas
    "I joined this course as a tutoring and scholarship student. I gained friends, learned a lot, and became even bolder with so much quality information."

    _Misma de Paula,

    Coordinator of Integrity and Risk Management at Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais - Codemig
    "At CEDIN I had dynamic and enriching classes, all with renowned professors in the field. Besides improving my resume, I got unparalleled knowledge."

    _Amanda Pacheco,

    Paralegal at Rosi Rajão Advogados (MBA Environmental Law)
    "Cedin makes you a renowned and differentiated professional in the market for its high-level content"

    _Luis Gustavo,

    Lawyer specialized in agribusiness and Cedin alumnus
    "The graduate school was extremely interdisciplinary and enabled me to have several job opportunities, especially with technology companies."


    MBA in LGPD
    "CEDIN has helped me in these two postgraduate degrees to emancipate myself in knowledge and to achieve my professional goals"

    _Luísa Mendonça,

    Luísa Mendonça (post-graduate in Contemporary Civil Law and Contract Law from Cedin).

    Course Coordination

    Marcelo Amaro

    Advogado Associado no Freitas Ferraz, Capuruço, Braichi e Riccio Advogados. Doutorando em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito do Largo São Francisco – USP (FDUSP). Mestre em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL). Graduado em Direito pela Faculdade Milton Campos/MG. Pós-graduado em Direito da Arbitragem pelo CIDP da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL). Membro fundador do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Contratual – IBDCont. Membro da CAMARB Jovem e CAMARB Alumni. Membro Titular do Instituto de Estudos em Responsabilidade Civil – IBERC.