In an attempt to avoid the accelerated spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus ("coronavirus"), the overcrowding of hospitals, the bankruptcy of countless companies, mass unemployment, the extinction of jobs, the misery of countless people who were already unemployed and especially the death of thousands of other people, it is essential that everyone be in the same directory, that is, seeking alternatives that aim to minimize the impacts and consequences of the damage caused by COVID-19. And at this moment of confrontation ...
The art. 75-B of CLT, defines as telework "the provision of services mainly outside the employer's premises, with the use of information technology and communication which, by its nature, does not constitute as external work. In the post-industrial society, it is verified that the technological advances propelled by computers have brought changes in the work relations and in society as a whole. The advent of the internet and its popularization provided a technological support for the productive chain of work, generating ...
In the words of the distinguished Professor Marcelo Baltar, "thinking about the dynamics of work is arduous, complex and this has changed greatly. The changes of ideological strands also modify the idea of work. Much has been said about liberalism. The new work relations are tortuous and dynamic, and how are we going to deal with this? The Principle of Protection is one of the basic principles of Labor Law, and can be considered as one of the most important among the other principles. This principle presupposes that ...
Social Welfare in Brazil is made up of two parts; the basic welfare, of obligatory and solidary connection, and the complementary welfare, of optional and individual connection. The obligatory policy is made up of the General Social Welfare Policy (RGPS) and the Special Social Welfare Policy (RPPS). The RGPS, ruled by art. 201 of CF/88, protects the workers of the private initiative and the public agents linked to entities that did not create their own regime. The RPPS, governed by art. 40 of the...
Labour relations have been brutally affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Just as viruses have mutating behaviour, labour legislation is also mutating: new care at work, social distancing, intensification of teleworking, collective holidays, job preservation, suspension of the employment contract, reduction of working hours and wages, etc. Many flexible regulations have been published since the declaration of the state of public calamity, through Legislative Decree No. 6 of 20 March 2020, with emphasis on the ...