Introduction to Agribusiness Law



Course period:

Friday: 19:00 - 20:40

Saturday: 9:00 - 12:30

Classes Start: 23/03/2021

40 hours tuition


3x of R$ 426.79
Card or Boleto

About the course:

The course is part of our MBA in Agribusiness Lawwhich is aimed at law professionals interested in the economic sector of greatest relevance for the country and all other professionals who work directly in agribusiness and who seek improvement, especially rural producers. The themes of the course seek to systematize the most current and relevant legal issues around agribusiness, through an accessible language for all those seeking to learn and apply the most current for the development of the agribusiness sector.

The courses are offered in the form of face-to-face (hybrid) and online (live). Students in the face-to-face modality will follow the classes in CEDIN's facilities and students in the online will follow the classes live. Both students will be able to attend classes whenever and wherever they wish. There will be times when access will be onlinefor both modalities, specifically for the interactive meetings.


Basic knowledge of Agribusiness Law

Applicable legislations

Land policies in Brazil

Concepts and scenarios applicable to agro-industrial complexes

The law as an instrument to guide rural production

Rural advocacy in the countryside

Agribusiness sector challenges