Simplification of procedures and compatibility of the Mining Code Regulation with what the Economic Freedom Law establishes: some of the important changes promoted by Decree No. 10,965/2022. On 14/02/2022, Decree No. 10,965/2022 was published, amending Decree No. 9,406, of 12 June 2018, which regulates, among others, the Mining Code - Decree-Law No. 227, of 28 February 1967. According to information released by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the changes promoted by Decree No. ...
CORPORATE CLUBS IN BRAZIL: FROM THE EMERGENCE TO THE PROMULGATION OF LAW 14.193/21. "Football Joint Stock Company". Frequent expression in sports debates nowadays, sometimes treated as an exclusively contemporary theme, the aforementioned discussion on the corporate structure of football clubs occurs recurrently both in Brazil and in several other countries for a long time. Initially, it should be noted that at the beginning of the practice of football by institutions in Brazil it did not make sense for an association to function similarly to companies. The idea that ...
Digital Contracts and Data Protection Civil contracts exist in order to establish obligations, rights and limits in the relations between contracting parties and contracted parties, being indispensable the existence of a prior agreement between said parties for it to produce its effects, which may exist digitally or physically. The proposal is the first moment of creation of a future contractual bond, which must meet the requirements of a traditional contract: (i) serious - that it truly represents the ...